


I can't believe that I am now married to the most understanding, most caring and most loving woman in the planet. I really am very happy to be with her, and now committing my life to her. I love you be.

Now that I am married, there are a lot of things that I want to change in my life. First would be my attitude towards work. I will be more diligent, more hardworking than ever before. I will be refraining from overuse of tobacco (one stick per day na lang). And the best of all, I will be more patient, more kind and more loving to her. Of all the rest, the latter will be the one thing I would work on as I had promised her when we took our vows last August 28.

I chills me to the bone that now and till I die, there would be one person that will be with me and that is my be - Salvacion Torres.

She is now here with me, and wherever I go, she wants to be there every minute, every hour of my life. WOW!

Maybe I will post her pic here after I finished all the software that I am working on right now.

Good day blog! its 00:08 on my computer's watch.

I am really tired but I cannot sleep until this two modules are through. So, I hope with a cup of coffee and some inspiration, I will finish this two modules today. Ahhhhhh..... then I can go to sleep

Signing out - but just this once...


Driver Making

Memory Leak

I was finally able to configure (correctly) the rt73 usb device on a 2.4 kernel running on an athlon64 machine in 64bit mode.

I will now try to install a 32 bit operating system and try to perform the same act.

No rants. Just RELAX....

Check out the other blog though....


Mozilla Firefox Extensions

I am currently working on a mozilla - iax - xmpp combination to work as a front-end for a BPO.

I managed to get the libraries from the following sites

for the mozilla-iax : http://moziax.mozdev.org
and for the xmpp: dev.hyperstruct.net/xmpp4moz

I think I have to rework everything on the front-end using base materials because I have not succeeded in combining the two entities.

Will give update tomorrow.

may the source be with you


Hectic Hectic Hectic Days

Hectic may not be enough to describe the amount of work I am logged to do compared to the amount of time that I have.


There's a lot of things to do, and yet so little time to do them. Darn these tight schedules. Yes, they could be sometimes a pain, but think in the positive side, at least it keeps you alive. At the very least, it gives you reason not to be thinking of killing yourself for the next 24 hours. Seriously though, the amount of work we do most of the times tells us also the amount of time that we spent doing practically nothing.

I just got a copy of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species. It was a birthday gift from my soon-to-be wife. I really appreciate the book, every piece of it.

What do you know, it's my birthday today! Happy Birthday to me. Thanks to all who greeted me.

Tomorrow, will blog about the problem I'm having connecting jabber(xmpp4moz) / moziax / top dialer

Hopefully, I will be able to resolve the issue early in the morning. Still have to configure vvvvvvvvv in the afternoon.

***'s **** module still need fixing and I am up to my neck with that module...

Still, programming is the way for me. System Administration is not yet my cup of tea. I still want to be able to see something sometimes.


No rants....

/sbin/shutdown -r now


I'm Alive...

Memory Leak

Wow! its been ages since I was here. My last edit I think was when I was in Bohol.

What have changed?

1.) I have been to japan (will post pics soon)
2.) I learned a programming language (python)
3.) I learned a new PHP Framework (Symfony)
4.) I bought a nintendo DS and last but not list
5.) I found my wife-to be.

Yes, you read me right. We are now engaged to be wed on the 25th of December this year (unless something really really really important comes up)

There are still lots of things that I want to talk about but that would need more time. I am doing this on my lunch break ;)


No rants.

I'm Alive...