
Almost Done


Have I got a hectic week or have I got a hectic week, and all of this painstaking work nearly comes to an end. I am really happy with all the modifications I have done to Joomla! 1.0.15. 

The funny thing is, I am not able to document them all. But, I will be able to document it after. See, I found this link http://www.assembla.com. It made my work easier. It has (1) SVN + Trac (2) Wiki (3) Collaboration [though I don't have to collaborate with anyone].

You should try this site out. 

Renz Out!


Labor day

Wow I'm back. For the past 2 days, I haven't been in front of the computer. I took a holiday from all the work-related things since that's what Labor Day is all about isn't it?

Anyway, back to documenting what I have done so far.

Here is the problem. In Joomla!, I want each page to be unique. I want it to load a different style (if I wanted to, of course).

The solution I came up with is to use the variable pageclass_sfx.

1.) I modified the file content.html.php from the com_content component of Joomla!. I took away all the instances where this variable is being added to some elements of the pages.

2.) Since it is all taken away from the pages, what I did is to put it as global variable. Why would I do this? Because I want to get this variable from the front-end side. and there is no other way of doing so.

3.) Since pageclass_sfx is part of the global scape, what I did was call separate stylesheets for the page for each pageclass_sfx value. I did this to the default template only. It's easier to do this from the default template than the assigned, but it is not impossible.

I don't know if there are other cleaner, more elegant ways to do this. However, for the sake of the site that I am doing now, I need this "modification" to be able to control everything.

Through this hack, I am able to create different "patterns" for the pages that need them and use the default template for the ones that don't need them.

Last week: Printer Drivers

I was able to make 2 out of the 3 non-working printers into working ones. All they needed was update in the printer definitions. It took me about 2 - 3 hours doing them. One was a HP Laser 1600 (Colored LaserJet Printer !!!), the other was a FujiXerox DocumentCenter 550i. (Trademarks for these printers are owned by their owner, not mine)

New Project

I am starting on a new project that computes Water Billing and Rentals. I will be using the CodeIgniter Framework. It will be easier that way. I already created a Library that will make it behave like symfony's view system. Although it's a little bit more complicated since in this view system, I can declare what the output will be (basically, it's glued to XML+XHTML 1.0 Strict). I will be uploading the library in a couple of days, once I tested that it's perfectly working and all that I needed is there.