
Subversion + SSH on ports other than 22

What you need:

putty (not the putty.exe but the whole installer as you need pageant, plink and puttygen :D)

Step 1: Install PUTTY
Step 2: Install subversion
Step 3: Create a profile for your server (indicate port, user, etc.) using putty (be sure not to overwrite Default Profile) (i.e. profile name is MyServer)
Step 4: using puttygen, create a private key and a public key
Step 5: copy the public key ( in the puttygen window ) to the .ssh/authorized_keys (located in your home directory) on your server
Step 6: load your private key using pageant
Step 7: the url for your repository will be svn+ssh://MyServer/path/to/your/repository

You're Done!